Tuesday, February 16, 2010

CNY 2010

lolx...tis pic is 3yrs old my cousin-joan capture d..[at 东禅寺]
2010 CNY...
same with old times...
go frd house take ang pao..
1st day alrdy gt rm35 d ang pao...woohooo..XD..
1st day oso win jor rm10...hahax
they judi...thn me and ah soh see siwen win so many money thn put money she there...hahax..
thn she win we oso gt money take,,lolx,,,
si beh clever d ah soh jek...>.<>[so bad jek>,<]
bt ho...duno where cum d lucky..get many 21dian..wowh..
si beh nice jek...

oso go frd house jek..lolx..
1st house...真嘉d house...
nxt 丽萍d house....
same thgs again ler...lolx...judi lo....
me b4 dun wan judi d...
thn tat li ping d jiefu say me and ah soh 前3局赢了钱照拿输了不用给==
1st gt win sum money...
bt....after tat lose lose lose....
kek sim...
at last all rm 10 lose jor...T.T
thn me say me dun wan ply ler lo...
thn tat ppl ask wan ply d bo...
thn me say 50sen...hahax
thn he say win jor me gv u rm2 lose jor no nid gv he==[tis again]
lolx...thn me get pair thn gt bck rm4...
haiz...rm10-rm4=rm6 leh....
thn they say dun wan ply ler lo...hahax...
thn ah soh say she lose jor rm1..=="
thn tat ppl gv her back rm 1
lolx..thn me say me lose rm 6=="
tat ppl say me...wan 1vs1 /? win jor he gv me rm 6 lose jor no nid =="[tis again][all nxt time listen d dun believe lolx...]
thn me thk thk ok lo...me no rugi d jek...
hahax....thn he put all card out and call u cincai take 2 card see hu bigger...
wowwwoowhooo...my LUCK CUM!!!
GV ME TAKE DAO Q&1...WOW..21点!!
thn he gv me rm12...wah
lolx...at last me no lose money ...win more rm 6...XD...
dunno where cum d lucky....
at night we go juan house and hanz house...
at hanz house judi again...bt no ply money d la...XD...
so late jz bck home...midnight/admire...lolx...
hahax...whn me wan bck d time..ah soh sis say...skul there gt 1 "kilingkia"[india]die at there=="
coz me no take motor topi...so wan hanz fetch me bck ler lo...
thn hanz drive car go fetch her mui thn fetch me bck home...lolx...

ntg do...
jz go 东禅寺play...lolx...pic nxt time update....xixi... so ugly ...haiz....

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